Monday, April 5, 2010

Dead Guy Magnet Part Three

I knew I must be dreaming because I was wearing a getup that I wouldn't be caught dead in. I looked down at myself and saw that in place of my usual boots jeans and shirt I was wearing a long gown and I was barefoot. The gown was pale blue, like forget me nots. His favorite color, him being the other dead guy in my life. Rowen, the vampire. As soon as I thought of him, there he was standing in front of me. Of course he was looking too beautiful to be real with his black wavy hair that framed the milky smooth skin of his face. As hard as it is to not stare into his gorgeous stormy blue eyes, I somehow managed. Dreams with him are seldom actually just dreams. He smiled, showing a hint of fang just for me. I thought hard, concentrating on my clothes and turned the horrible gown into jeans and a cut up T-shirt. I was still barefoot but oh well.

"That's better," I said, "now what do you want?"

Rowen put is hand on his heart ans staggered back a step or two in a show of mock defeat. Then
he gave me his ridiculously sexy and dangerous smile and said, "what makes you think I want something?" He kept trying to stare me in the eye as I stared hard at his shoulder. I realize that having the sight makes it less harmful for me to meet his gaze, but when it comes to vampires I don't take any chances.

"Oh come on, you must want something for you to barge into my dream like this." I said, exasperation seeping into my voice.

"Maybe I just want to spend time with you. It wouldn't happen otherwise. Maybe if you would stop dodging me, I wouldn't have to."

I sighed, as much as I would like to deny it, it really was getting hard to keep away from Rowen. I know that him being a vampire is bad, but its the first time any guy has payed so much attention to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I have dated, but none of those guys ever really seemed to like me. Now I know that Rowen is probably just running game on me, but damn he can be convincing. As much as I don't want to admit it, he has a way of making me feel pretty. But none of that matters cause its NEVER gonna happen. Now that I found an new resolve I decided it was safe to speak again.

"But really Rowen, can't you take a hint? How many times does a girl have to turn you down before you finally get it and back off?"

That killer smile showed up on his lips, "only once, if they mean it. You, Rayne, don't really want me to leave you alone."

Damn how I wish he wasn't right. "Well want or not, I need you-" Of course he cut me off.

"That's more like it." He stepped closer to me so that our bodies were almost touching.

Somehow I managed to push him away after swallowing my heart, shoving it back down into my chest while saying, "to leave me alone."

He stood up then and I realized that he had been leaning toward me. Whoa. He stood before me for a moment or two then reached down and brushed my cheek lightly with his hand while moving my head so I was facing him. I stared intently at his mouth for a moment, then thinking better of it flicked my gaze up to rest on his nose. I felt silly for a moment but got over it quickly. Then he spoke, "you are in luck, this time. Dawn approaches," he continued to stroke my cheek while he spoke. Gathering my wits, I pushed his hand away. He stood there, studying my face, but strangely not trying to get me to look him in the eye. "Rayne, I grow tired of your games," he sighed then, to emphasize his point I guess. "What can I do to convince you that I mean you no harm?"

"Well," I said, while hating where this was going. "You could not be a vampire, oh wait, you already are one." I let the sarcasm leak into my words and it felt good. When he didn't say anything back, I found myself lost for words. Shit. I decided it wouldn't hurt to keep him talking till he had to go. Though when I really think about it, what I said next could be the beginning of my undoing if I'm not careful. "What is it you want from me, if not my blood, my mind and/or my soul?" He laughed then, "What's so funny?" I asked, annoyance creeping back into me.

"Nothing, its just, I thought I have been making myself pretty clear. What I want from you Rayne, is your heart, or at least the chance to win it." Damn him! What is it about 200 somethings that makes them so charming?

I steadied myself by taking a deep breath before responding. "Well if you needed to breath I would say don't hold your breath cause it ain't gonna happen. Weather or not I'm into you doesn't matter Rowen. You are a vampire, I'm human, we can't have a normal relationship. Also, I don't trust you not to make me your blood slave." I saw the slightest change in his features that told me that my words may have actually hurt him. Huh. Then the look was gone and he went back to his snarky charm.

"So, you want normal eh? I can do normal-ish, I could stop using my powers where you are concerned, like no more showing up in your dreams."

"Are you missing brain cells? I just told you that it won't happen and I mean it."

"Ah, yes, but I'm an optimist, I'm sure you'll come around."

"Don't you have to be going?" I decided anger was the way to go, cause anger clouds out my other emotions and that is good.

"Yes, soon, but first I want you to agree to let me take you out."

"Not gonna happen, plus I've got too much going on right now."

"Like what?" Judging from the lower half of his face I would say he was giving me a disbelieving look."

"I have to find a dead kid and his killer." Why did I tell him that?

"Ah, well maybe I could help, I've got plenty dead friends."

"Yeah right, if you help me then I'll owe you and I'll have to go out with you."

"Look, Rayne, I will help you no strings attached, promise."

"Yeah, right. Shouldn't you be off being dead to the world?"

"Well, yes I should. But first I want you to know that you can ask me for help if you and your friends hit any dead ends. No strings like I said." He held up his hands as if that could convince me.

"Whatever, bye now!" And just like that he was gone and my alarm was blaring at me. I slapped at it, turning the awful sound off. I lay in bed for a while pissed. I was mad at Rowen for making me want his help and messing with my sleep ( I never feel fully rested after he visits my dreams). I was mad at myself for even briefly entertaining the idea of going out with him and lastly I was mad at Corey for dying and asking me to help him. Mostly I was tired which explained the cranky. Cranky or not I had a full day ahead of me, so I grudgingly got myself out of bed and off to start the day.