Monday, May 31, 2010

Dead Guy Magnet Part Four

Asha and Aiden picked me up as usual and they immediately started firing questions about Corey and my helping him at me. It was almost too much to deal with. I still had thoughts of Rowen taking over my brain no matter how much I wished it wasn't true. I really needed to meet someone who was alive so I could actually stay away from him. He was just so damn flattering, not to mention sexy as all get out. Plus I don't really trust that the pull I feel toward him is all real and not laced with vamp powers of compulsion. I guess in a way Corey showing up and asking for my help was a good thing. Cause it gives me something to focus on, distracting myself from Rowen and his ... charm. My mind was racing with all the thoughts inside so much that suddenly I realized that I hadn't heard a word that either of my friends had said.

"Huh?" I questioned, "I'm sorry guys I'm gonna need you to repeat that."

Asha smiled at me then said, "which part?"

"Um... all of it," I said while ducking my head.

"Damn girl," Aiden chimed in, "whats got you so spaced out?"

I ducked my head again, this time trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. Its times like these that I curse myself for always pulling my hair back. "Well, Rowen visited me in my dream last night. That on top of my new quest to find Corey's body and cause of death, its got me kinda living inside my head this morning. Sorry guys."

"Oh honey, that is understandable." Asha smiled, before continuing. "I don't know about Aiden, but my questions can wait, I want to hear ALL about this dream!"

Aiden laughed then, "I don't really need to hear all the details of your dream, but I know better than to stop you two when you get all girly." Asha and I both laughed then and she reached over to give him a playful shove.

"OK Asha, I'll give you the cliff notes version, we can get into details later. Cause really we should be focusing on helping Corey." Grudgingly, Asha agreed. I quickly told my friends of Rowen's "visit," only leaving out my unconvincing denial and his want to date me. They already know that he claims to want me, so I didn't need to mention that. I did tell them about his offer to help though. When I was done Aiden turned around as far as he could while still sitting in the front seat.

"He, did what? Your not gonna let him weasel his way into your pants or veins are you?"

"Aiden!" I gasped feinting shock, "what kind of a girl do you think I am?" Before he could notice that my joking about it was maybe a cover up, I continued in a more serious manner. "No Aiden, no matter how tempting it may be to ask him for help I won't, cause then I'll owe him. That is not a situation I want to find myself in."

Then Asha spoke up. "You know Rayne, that is one of the things I admire about you, your resolve. Cause I know it must be hard for you, cause damn, I'm gay as they come but I can still see that he is H. O. T. Add vampy powers to that and I don't think even I would be safe from falling into his arms."

"Aw, thanks that's so sweet! Really you guys help me with that resolve. Now we are going to stop talking about the undead guy until we absolutely need to, deity forbid."

"Yes," Aiden said, a slight look of suspicion on his face. "Back to the new dead guy."


The rest of the ride to school I went through my encounter with Corey from the previous night. Then we all talked about what little we knew about him. All we could come up with was that he had been a junior at Roosevelt, played on the varsity basketball team, had been dating one Jessica Renolds (until a week or so ago) and he and some of his friends were in a band together, Varsity Filth. Yes, I know, terrible band name right? Maybe its snobbery on my part, but I just don't think that jocks and rock (specifically punk) mix. But what ever, we're not here to debate whether or not his band was any good. We need to find out how he died.

We arrived at school a little early so we decided to see if we could track down some of the people we planed on questioning. Almost immediately we spotted Shelly, Corey's sister.

"Well, that's my que, wish me luck." Aiden started off toward Shelly and yelled "Hey Shelly, wait up!" The younger girl turned and immediately blushed fiercely, really I couldn't blame her. Aiden is pretty easy on the eyes, he is tall, like six foot three or something like that. He has warm olive tinted skin, Rich brown eyes and very nordic, chiseled facial features. His dark brown hair falls to the curve of his jaw, framing his face with soft waves that make his icy blue eyes stand out dramatically. He approached the blushing girl, laying an arm across his shoulders and leading her up the stairs toward the front doors of the school. Just then Asha grabbed my arm and pointed toward the cruddy fenced in lot across from school, where we were headed. I looked and saw that she was pointing toward a group of guys who appeared to be handing out fliers. At first I was confused, then I realized that they were Corey's friends and band mates.
Wow, it looks like we might all get our information before lunch. I yanked on my black mini, suddenly feeling self conscious despite the leggings I had on under it.

"Here goes, eh?" I said as I pulled Asha over to "smokers corner" and the guys we needed to interrogate. As we approached, I heard them talking to those they were handing out fliers to. Something about an upcoming show they would be playing. There were three of them, all pretty easy on the eyes. Matt, with his black hair, brown eyes and perpetually tanned skin. Jayson, equally tall, but fair with short cut blond hair and blue eyes and crazy pale skin, so much that he is almost translucent. Last there was David, tall, thin, drool on yourself perfectly muscled and Asian, Filipino I think. When we ended up about a foot from them, Jayson looked over and saw me, a smile spreading across his face.

"Rayne, right?" He said while obviously checking me out, which was kind of unsettling. Sure he's not ugly but I don't tend to be all that into blonds. Also, I was surprised that he even knew my name. I did my best to cover any evidence of my uneasiness because I figured that if he is into me I could use it to my advantage. So I let a seriously flirty smile spread across my lips before answering.

"Yeah, your Jayson, right?" That got him smiling even more so I decided to go for it. "Uh, do you have a minuet to talk before the bell?" By this point Asha and the other two guys were blatantly staring at the two of us all wearing expressions of a mixture of amusement, curiosity and shock. The shock was mostly present on Asha's face. I shot her a look, that said "why aren't you getting info right now, which would hopefully be read by his friends as "give us privacy please!" Taking the hint, Asha started talking to the other two.

"Ah man, no," Jayson replied, while looking down at his feet before continuing. "I gotta hand out these fliers, but if you want, uh, maybe we could have lunch together?"

Oh damn, even though I'm not into him, that did make me blush. "Sure, do you wanna meet back here then?"

"Yeah, definitely," he said, a huge grin on his face now. Just as he was about to say something, Asha saved me.

She stepped up to me, sliding her arm through mine while saying, "sorry Jayson, I need my girl now." She gave him a winning smile then turned to me. "Remember, I had to tell you about my date?"

Date? I thought, then realized that she was trying to get me to play along. So I plastered a happy "yay gossip time" look on my face before saying, "oh right! Bye Jason, see you at lunch!" Then my bestie dragged me off.

"Oh, my goddess!" She hissed in my ear, "who knew Rayne Clearcreek was a master of "disguise," "or wait, your not really into him are you? Not that that would be bad, goddess knows you could stand to have a live one, but-"

"Asha!" I practically screamed at her, "you are rambling. And no I'm not really into him, but he seems to be into me so I thought I could use it to my advantage. Oh shit, does that make me a bad person?"

Asha squeezed my arm lightly, "no honey, just don't lead him on. Hang out long enough to get the information that you want, then let him down easy."

"Thanks, you know, for a lesbian, you sure do know a lot about dealing with guys."

That made her laugh, "well, really dating is dating, no matter what kind of business you have between your legs." We both laughed at that, then she turned to me an unreadable look on her face. "So the show that Varsity Filth is playing is like a benefit for Corey's family, to help with the searching."

"Oh damn," I said, my stomach starting to feel sick. "Well I guess if I'm able to tip off the cops in time, then it could benefit the funeral arrangements."

Asha gave my arm a squeeze and a consoling look. "So, the show is Friday, that's tomorrow. Think we should go?"

"Ugh, I guess so," I said, while looking down at my shoes. Why am I so nice? Really sometimes I feel like my gift is mine, so why do I need to help every supernatural being who comes along? But I already know the answer, its cause I'm so damn nice.