Monday, July 5, 2010

Dead Guy Magnet Part Five

The first part of my day went unbearably slowly, not thats thats hard. My first class is algebra and the next is US history which would be cool if it wasn't for the serious distortion. The only thing that saved me from going crazy with bordom was the fact that creative writing is my third class. A singer/songwriter who was sriends with the teacher she bell rang ang for us and talked about what a ballad is, then we each had to write our own ballad. It was pretty cool, though the only thing I could think of to write about was seeing ghosts. I'm sure I'll get extra points for creativity, if he only knew. The bell rang and I was off to meet Jayson. I started feeling guilty, then nervous on my way. I walked out the doors and saw him waiting for me across the street. I took a deep breath and headed his way.

"Hey, Jayson," I called as I approached him.

He smiled at me, "Hey Rayne." I stopped just infront of him. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"Is whole foods cool?"

"Sure," he answered then we set off. After we had picked our food and payed for it we found a table and sat across from each other.