Monday, June 8, 2009

Skin Deep Part Six

"Hello Isadora, this must be your friend." Izzy's mom said. Right away I could see the resemblance. She was a bit shorter and rounder than her daughter but their freckled faces were practically the same. She had short light brown hair( which I realized could be Izzy's natural color) and wore glasses.

"Hey mom, yeah, this is Alicia," Izzy said while gesturing toward me.

"Hello," she said to me.

I swallowed before answering her. "Hey," I said while giving her a little wave. I hoped that her mom couldn't feel the nervous energy that was flowing through the room.

"How was the meeting?" Izzy asked.

"Good, it was Janis's year clean so we went for coffee after." Her mother smiled as she spoke and it made me wish that my mom was in recovery. The moment passed and I couldn't help but hope that her mom would leave soon. Then as if she knew what I was thinking she complied. "Well girls, I'm beat so I'm off to bed. Sleep well." Then she left, closing the door behind her.

Izzy and I looked at each other, then let out a collective breath. We both started to laugh then. "Whoa, that was close," I said to her.

"Yeah," she agreed. Then she took my hand and led me to the bed. "Now where were we?" She slid her arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back for a second until my brain got the better of me.

"What do you think she would have done if she saw us?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"I don't know," she said thoughtfully. "I don't think she would totally freak about the situation, but finding out that way would probably be pretty shocking."

"No shit." I say smiling , "so where are those shorts?"

"Oh," she said while reaching over to her bed and picking up a pair of boxers. "Here, you uh want me to turn around or something."

"Only if your uncomfortable, I don't care either way." I said while unbuttoning my jeans. She turned around and I smiled, its cute that she is a little shy. When I had the shorts on I walked up behind her and put my hands on her hips. "Its safe to turn around now," I breathed into her ear. She shivered and I reached one hand around the front of her to turn her body so she was facing me. I put every ounce of want I had to her in my face as I spoke to her. "So are we going to sleep now?" I noticed her breath catch before she answered me.

"Uh... if you want to." The air around us became so thick with tension that it was hard to breathe. "Are you tired?" She whispered while staring at my lips.

"No," I said, moving my face so close to hers that the slightest movement would cause our lips to touch. "You?"

"No." She breathed her lips pressed against mine, and then we where kissing. I slid my hands around to rest on her lower back. She wrapped her arms around me, one hand on my lower back, the other she tangled in my hair. She pressed into me, the kiss deepening, I started backing her up towards the bed. We were both lost in the kiss, all lips tongues and teeth. She pulled away from me when her legs touched the bed, then sat down and pushed herself back onto the bed. I follow her on my hands and knees then moved in to kiss her again. She stopped me by lightly pressing her fingertips to my mouth. "Alicia I'm not," she said getting nervous. "I mean its too soon to...I mean."

"Shh," I breath against her fingers before lightly kissing them and pulling back so that I was sitting on my knees. "Its okay Izzy, I'm not intending for any sex to happen, I just can't seem to stop kissing you. Any way the bed is as good a place as any for making out right?" I said, smiling at her. She laughed softly then pulled me to her, lying back as she did. We spent the rest of the night like that just making out until we were too tired. Then we drifted off to sleep, our bodies still tangled together.

The next morning the sound of voices in the hallway woke me up. I was still in a sleepy haze when the door opened. My heart sped up as I tried to get my heavy sleepy body untangled with Izzy's. I herd a familiar chuckle followed by the door closing and was relived when I looked up to find Jesse standing there, a huge smile on his face. I threw a pillow at him. Ellie who had woken up during my struggle smiled at her friend before she spoke.

"Good morning Jesse, what time is it?" She said while sitting up

"Well its not the morning any more, its almost 1:00" He said a mischievous grin sliding into place. "Up late last night girls?"

"So?" I say while noticing a blush creeping up Izzy's cheeks, "what of it?" I say with a smile to let him know I was joking.

"Whoa," he says, putting his hands out in front of him. "Just teasing Alicia no need to get all riled up." We all laughed as Jesse made his way over to sit on the edge of the bed. "So it happened! I am so happy for you two! Tell me all about it, so are you two together now?" He squealed in the softest voice possible. We looked at each other. I decided to go ahead and let Izzy answer cause the whole no label thing was her idea.

"Well," she said, looking down at her hands. "Sort of..." Jesse just looked at her kinda like she was crazy.

"What Izzy is trying to say is, we aren't rushing things. We are definitely into each other but we have decided not to label it just yet." Izzy looked a thank you at me and I smiled.

"Okay," Marco said, sounding a little confused, then he smiled. "Well Izzy, are we still on for today or are you gonna ditch me for Alicia?"

"Jesse!" She said sounding mock offended.

"No I'm just kidding we could all hang." He said while turning his attention to me, "that is if you want to?"

"Well what were you two gonna do?" I ask.

"Well," Izzy says turning to me with a strange smile on her face. "We were gonna go see a movie."

"Shit that reminds me, I gotta work today. But I'm not on till like 5 so if you two were planing on hanging for the day then we could all hang till I had to work and I could probably get you into the movie free."

"Sounds good to me!" Jesse said. Izzy turned to me smiling and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh how cute!" Jesse said and I threw another pillow at him.

After Izzy and I got dressed and fed we all set out for the day. We mostly just hung around the park and played cards and Jesse took us on a little shopping spree. He did most of the shopping. Five o'clock came too soon and we all arrived at the theater. Parker was already there getting ready for the same shift as me. Her perfectly styled blond hair and her pretty, expertly makeuped face looked out of place amid the brown and orange of the theater uniform.

"Hey Alicia," she said, "you closing with me tonight?

"Yup." Parker turned her attention to the two next to me.

"Hey Jesse and Izzy what brings you to our fine theater?"

Jesse answered her, his words dripping with sarcasm, "uh the movies, you know we're gonna see one."

"Ha ha Jesse."

While the three of them talked I busied my self getting ready for my shift so I wouldn't just stare at Izzy. Parker joined me behind the counter and got Izzy and Jesse some snacks and drinks. As they were about to head into the theater Izzy caught my eye. She smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I spoke up to try and hide the blush that was threatening to creep up my cheeks.

"Have fun guys and watch out I might just have to come in there and throw popcorn at your heads if I get bored." We all laughed and I watched Izzy as she disappeared through the double doors. I turned to Parker who was giving me a look. "Slow right now huh?" I said while trying to avoid the look she was giving me. A group of people came up to the counter and I was saved. I took their orders and reluctantly sent them off to their movie. When I looked back at Parker she was giving me the look again. Finally I snapped. "What!" I said, my voice a little louder than I meant it to be. "Why the look Parker?"

She smiled then spoke. "Whats going on with you and Izzy?"

"What?" I say, getting a little nervous, "uh nothing, what do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid hon, I may be slow at times but after my brother and then Jesse I wised up." I just looked at her blankly for a minuet, I didn't know what else to do.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"Yeah sure Alicia. I saw that look between you and Izzy and the way you watched her go. If it isn't love or at least infatuation, then I don't know what is." I was stunned, are we really that obvious? I'm not afraid to accept defeat, Parker and Jesse knew, no big deal, right?

"Okay, so your perceptive. But Parker don't say anything okay?" A huge smile spread across her face.

"Not a word," she said, starting to get all bouncy. "I'm guessing that Jesse knows though right?"

"Yes he knows, and Parker?" I say, reverting to my old self. "Quit the bouncy thing, your gonna make me sick." She laughed and I turned to restock the candy cases.

"So," she says while adding more kernels to the popper. "Tell, me! Are you two together now? Oh its so cute! Though I didn't know either of you were gay." I gave up trying to avoid talking about Izzy and me. Parker was obviously not willing to give it up.

"Well its complected. I don't know what Izzy is thinking about herself and at first I wasn't sure either. I just knew I liked Izzy, but now" I paused and shrugged my shoulders. "Now I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I guess I've always liked girls, I just wasn't willing to admit it to myself till now. As for Izzy and me being together, that's complicated too."

"What, how? I mean either you are or you aren't, right?"

"Well no, Izzy doesn't want to label us or something. We haven't really gotten a chance to talk about it sense last night. I said I was okay with it and I am, I just... Wait, why am I telling you all this?"

"Because I'm your friend and I asked, and you obviously aren't really okay with it."

I gave her a look. "What makes you say that?"

"Because like I said, I'm not stupid and like you said, I'm perceptive. So now I'm gonna give you some advise. If you want to be with her, tell her. Talk to her cause she is probably just a little scared cause this is new for both of you right?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to push her or anything."

"Well, maybe what she needs is a little push." Parker said smiling, any way, the look she gave you is enough for me to know that you two are girlfriend material." She jumped up and squealed. "Oh this is so cute! I know, I know," she said looking at me. "Stop bouncing."

We busied ourselves for a while making sure everything was in order, took care of the random customer and talked some more till I saw Parker look towards the entrance. "Oh great,"she said. "Here comes your favorite person." I turned around to see Blake headed our way.

"Alllshia." He slurred, "we have to talk."

"No Blake we don't, any way your drunk so leave now."

"NO!" He yelled, "I won't go, you have to talk to me." He reached across the counter and grabbed my arm.

I twisted out of his grip. "Blake go now I mean it or I'm calling the cops." He just stood there. "Look, " I said not even fighting how tired and fed up I sounded. "This really better be the last time I say this. Its over okay deal, I'm involved with someone else any way."

He laughed while still managing to sound mad. "Involved? With who?"

Parker jumped in then, phone in hand. "That, is none of you business is it Blake? But what is, is the phone in my hand." She said while bringing up her other hand, index finger poised and ready. "And this finger about to dial the police."

He put his hands out in front of him. "Okay okay, I'm leaving." He said as her turned to leave. Just then the movie that Izzy and Jesse had been in let out. I saw them notice Blake as they headed over towards us. Izzy looked concerned.

"Is every thing okay?" Jesse asked.

Izzy nodded, looking at me. "Yeah, was he giving you trouble?"

"I'm fine guys really, anyway its just Blake. No big deal, its dealt with." I smiled then, giving Izzy my full attention. "So, can I see you tonight after I get off work?" She started to blush, then glanced over at Parker nervously. "Don't worry, Parker knows, she guessed." Izzy looked surprised as she turned to talk to her, a concerned look in her eyes but Parker spoke before she could.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Izzy just gave her a look. "Oh come on Izzy, did I blab to all of Smithston about Jesse when he told me?"

Izzy relaxed a little. "No you didn't. Okay I trust you, so you had better not say anything."

"Really Izzy do you think I would want to face the wrath of Alicia? I will NOT tell." We all laughed, then Jesse and Parker talked for a minuet while Izzy and I made plans.

"I know it will be a little late but you can hang here after you and Jesse are done. You could stay at my place if you wanted, I could possibly even persuade my mom to stay out of our way. She's probably staying over at boyfriend of the weeks house anyway. Just call your mom or stop by or whatever. Make up an excuse if you need to..."

"Alicia, chill out, I'll ask my mom. Your acting like I wouldn't want to spend more time with you. The four and a half hours between now and you getting off work are long enough." She says, smiling at me. Then Jesse came over saying he was hungry and they turned to leave. "I'll probably be here early, bag packed and all." She smiled as they left.

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