Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Skin Deep Part Four

The next morning, it took every ounce of strength I could muster just to get out of bed. Thankfully the apartment was quiet so there would be no mom dodging today. I lay in bed so long, I even considered playing sick. I was so afraid of what would happen if or when I saw Izzy, but I couldn't hide in my room forever so finally I got up. I hopped in the shower and just about screamed, one of the joys of being poor is that you never know if you'll have hot water. After the fastest shower known to human kind I threw on some blue jeans and a red T-shirt, my boots and my hoodie. On my way out I grabbed an apple then almost screamed again when I saw something on the couch. I turned out to be my mom. She looked peaceful amid the jumble of miss-matched furniture then I saw the beer in her hand. So I crept over to her, gently pulled the can out of her grasp and pulled the green and brown couch blanket over her. Taking care of my mom for those few minuets was a welcome distraction. Unfortunately, it didn't last for long. As soon as I started walking down the hallway my thoughts went right to Izzy. God I hope she will forgive me. I got outside just in time to catch the bus. The bus driver gave me a not so nice look when I only put half the fair amount in the little fair box. Whatever, he let me on anyway. I took out The Metamorphosis and tried to read, but it only made me think of Izzy. Thankfully the ride was pretty short and I shoved the book in my bag as I left the bus. I managed to make it through the first half of my day without running into her. As I walked through the halls trying to figure out what I was gonna do for lunch, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I almost had a heart attack as I turned to see who it was. I calmed down just a little when I saw that it was Jesse.

"Hey Alicia, you OK?"

"Uh, yeah." I said, hoping eh wasn't about to talk to me about Izzy. "Whats up?"

"Not much, I just wanted to talk to you for a sec." I tried really not to show how nervous I was. By the look on his face I failed. "So," He said, his worried look turning into a mischievous smile. What did you do to Izzy yesterday?"

"Oh god, is she OK? She hates me doesn't she? Shit tell her I'm sorry would you?"

"Whoa slow down Alicia, you've got it all wrong. I'm pretty sure she doesn't hate you." As he said the last his smile got bigger. "So what did you do?"

"Nothing," I said totally unconvincingly.

"Come on Alicia, I know something is up and Izzy won't spill."

"Well if your best friend won't tell you then why should I." I smiled at him coyly. He smiled then hung his head, shaking it.

"Well I guess you got me," he said, starting to back up. "At least now I have a better idea of why why you wanted to talk to me yesterday." He flashed me a brilliantly smug smile before turning to walk away.

"Jesse!" I shouted after him, "come back here!" Now I was even more confused. What had Izzy told him? Does this mean that she LIKES me too? My brain was buzzing once again as I made my way to the cafeteria and through the lunch line. As I looked for a somewhat secluded spot to sit I came to a conclusion. I figured that it would be great if Izzy does like me but really as long as she is cool with being friends with me, well thats what really matters. I decided that Izzy, may not like me but just wants to be my friend. I guess that the gay thing wouldn't be a big deal for her sense her best friend is. I had just found a spot and was angling to it when Izzy stepped in front of me. Oh my goodness, I swear that my heart almost jumped out of my mouth.

"Hey Alicia," she smiled her beautiful smile as she spoke.

"Hey," I said, feeling my cheeks flush. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday." Wow I am such a nerd.

"Don't worry about it. So, I just wanted to make sure that we are still on for Friday?" Oh my god, I don't know if I can speak. I take a breath that I hope wasn't that obvious before trying.

"Uh... yeah. I mean if you still want to, that is." Her smile grew as she looked me right in the eyes.

"Yes, I want," she said as she turned and walked away. I didn't know what to say, which was ok. I was speechless.

1 comment:

  1. Cute, everything flows so naturally and awkwardly just like it would in real life.
